Stopping Stations
Train No : 8096
Start Station : Colombo Fort
End Station : Galle
Below shows all the stopping stations from Colombo Fort to Galle. The registered train number is 8096, and it stops at 12 stations. The train departs from Colombo Fort at 16:47:00 and reaches Galle at 19:04:00.
🟥 Starting Station
🟩 Ending Station
🔵 Regular Stop
What is the starting station of train no 8096 ?
What is the ending station of train no 8096 ?
How many train stops are there between Colombo Fort and Galle ?
Train no 8096 starts at Maradana station.
Train no 8096 ends at Beliaththa station.
There are 12 train stoppings between Colombo Fort and Galle